Book 3 of my Space Unbound series is entitled THE LIGHT WITHIN DARKNESS is now available for sale. Here’s what’s in store:

Commander Aiden Macallan and his hand picked crew of the Sun Wolf search uncharted star systems and exotic exoplanets looking for Cardew, a man-turned-monster who’s ready to exterminate humanity and replace it with his cloned superrace of Transhuman psychopaths. The Sun Wolf is the only ship with any chance of stopping him, but not without help from an unforeseen ally from another realm.

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David J

Welcome to my new website and to the blog page. I will be using this space to post information about characters, story lines, scientific concepts, and anything else of interest featured in the Space Unbound series, or to address questions from readers that merit wider visibility. What I will NOT do is bore you with mundane aspects of my life, the kind of things that might populate other blogs (unless, of course, I win the Hugo :-).

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Daniel BerkowitzComment